A Souvenir from Kalwaria

Poland1958documentary14'Mistrzowie (2022)

This ethnographic documentary shows the celebration of the Mystery of the Lord's Passion in the sanctuary of the Bernardines in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, known as the Polish Jerusalem. The tradition of Holy Week’s celebration, with mass participation of pilgrims, dates back to the 17th century. Kalwaria - a complex of churches and chapels symbolizing the Stations of the Cross, is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, it is also a Monument of Polish History. The filmmakers managed to capture the moment of ecstasy of the pilgrims and the social phenomenon of the pilgrimage. In close-ups, we could see that the event is extremely important to the believers, who create a community.

directed by
Jerzy Hoffman

Edward Skórzewski

Wacław Florkowski, Stanisław Niedbalski
Jerzy Hoffman, Edward Skórzewski
Bohdan Jankowski
Ludmiła Godziaszwili
(Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych)
Kadr z filmu A Souvenir from Kalwaria