Bogdan and Rose

Poland2017fiction15'Konkurs polski (2017)

Bogdan and Róża’s life is limited to living under the same roof and working at the same school canteen. Time seems watery like the cafeteria’s barley soup and flows to the rhythm of mutual petty acts of malice. The two elderly people talk to each other with reluctance and bitterness that seem to replace all the unnecessary words. The marriage lasts only due to a force of habit and a perverse need to have the other person around.

directed by
Milena Dutkowska

Graduate of set design at the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. She has designed sets for theatrical performances and her own films. Currently, she is a third-year student of Directing at the Radio and Television Department of the University of Silesia in Katowice. She has made three short films screened at festivals in Poland and abroad.

Igor Połaniewicz
Milena Dutkowska
Maria Ciunelis, Jerzy Rogalski
Adam Sypka
Anna Aboleszowa, Adam Sypka
Patrik Eriksson
Milena Dutkowska
Kadr z filmu Bogdan and Rose