
Poland2016animated2'Konkurs polski (2017)

Cosmos is an animated film about a woman who desperately needs the other human being, especially his touch. Individual body parts come to the fore, muscles, skin and hair, telling us about their longing for physical love. Parts of the human body, made of Plasticine and slowly put together, can be associated with Darkness Light Darkness by Jan Švankmajer, especially because the animation is full of humour. Will a crowned frog turn out to be a prince from a fairytale?

directed by
Daria Kopiec

Film and stage director. Graduate of the Department of Cinematography (Animation and Special Effects in Film) at the Film School in Łódź. For several months, she was a trainee at École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels – La Cambre in Brussels. In 2010 she became a member of the Polish Filmmakers Association. At present, she is a student of the Directing Department at the Theatre Academy in Warsaw. Her filmography includes "Your Own Bullshit" (2020), "First Time" (2016), "Cosmos" (2016), "Gucio Enchanted" (2015), "Rivers" (2014), "Camphor" (2013), "Zuzanna" (2010), "Eight" (2006), "Femme Fatale" (2005) and "Anunnaki" (2004).

Daria Kopiec, Monika Kotecka
Daria Kopiec
animated by
Adam Wyrwas
Agata Chodyra
Monika Sirojc
Justyna Rucińska, Anna Mroczek, Wojciech Leszczyński (WJTeam)
Kadr z filmu Cosmos