The Farthest

Ireland2016documentary120'Docs+science (2018)

In August 2017, NASA was celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Voyager mission. For Emer Reynolds, this event became an opportunity to tell an extraordinary story about the people and events that stood behind one of man’s greatest achievements in space exploration. A tiny space ship with less computing power than a mobile phone is streaking across the cosmic vacuum more than 13 billion miles away from our planet. Unique data sent back to Earth gives us an insight into peculiarities of the so far uncharted Outer Space. The knowledge acquired in this way has undoubtedly revolutionised our comprehension of Cosmos. And the spacecraft is still travelling on reaching out to the beyond, carrying the Golden Record to extra-terrestrial civilizations.

directed by
Emer Reynolds

Kate McCullough
Ray Harman
Tony Cranstoun
John Murray (Crossing the Line Productions), Clare Stronge
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