
Poland2018animated8'Konkurs polski (2019)

Do robots dream about electric love? In the perfectly designed world of machines, everyone follows the rules determined by the central unit. Nevertheless, two appliances that start to communicate with each other, break out from the rhythm. Their relationship will have tragic results for the entire system. This animated science-fiction film made in computer aesthetics may be both an allegory of totalitarian systems and a reference to the modern world of standardisation, automation and robotization.

directed by
Adam Żądło, portret reżysera
Adam Żądło

An audiovisual artist, born in 1993. He graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. He specialises in animation, computer games, photography, and film. He grew up in the countryside, combining his experience of farming with the latest technologies. He actively supported scientific circles involved in the construction of cyborg and space exploration. Winner, finalist and participant of international festivals, competitions, and exhibitions (including Sony World Photography Awards, Photo Contest, ADOBE ADAA, Sitges IFF).

Adam Żądło
Adam Żądło
animated by
Adam Żądło
Piotr Michał Madej
Piotr Michał Madej
Adam Żądło
Robert Sowa (Pracownia Filmu Animowanego Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie)
Kadr z filmu Cyborgy