
Poland2021animated8'Konkurs polski (2021)

‘I have made this film so that your senses can relax between real films’ - the animation’s director says in her invitation to this exceptional, soothing screening. Black figures are dashing through green, evenly-mowed lawns, turning into animals. Calming sounds of nature – flowing water, chirping insects, singing birds – hum in the background. Calm frames, plenty of greenery and geometrical shapes help viewers feel detached from the reality for a moment. Under the pretext of a meditation session, the director draws their attention to incessant human interference in the natural world.

directed by
Karolina Kajetanowicz

Animator. She was born in 1993. She studied Animation and Special Effects at the Department of Cinematography and Television Production of the Film School in Łódź.

Karolina Kajetanowicz
Karolina Kajetanowicz
animated by
Karolina Kajetanowicz
Yelisaveta Pysmak, Karolina Kajetanowicz
Karolina Kajetanowicz
Agata Golańska (Polish National Film School in Łódź)
Kadr z filmu Green