Last Diamonds

Poland2016documentary13'Polska panorama (2017)

The film is a double portrait of two brothers, Lesław and Wacław Janicki. The actors of the famous Cricot 2 theatre collaborated with Tadeusz Kantor for 35 years. Today, they remember the eminent director and re-live their common story. They are also shown in their contemporary roles when they have a cup of coffee in Stolarska street in Krakow or examine precious stones with a magnifying glass. The Janicki brothers also share their reflections on artistic and personal fulfilment.

directed by
Marian Przybylski

Marian Przybylski
Marian Przybylski
Justyna Król
(Wyższa Szkoła Sztuki i Projektowania w Łodzi), Marian Przybylski
Kadr z filmu Last Diamonds