
Germany2018fiction30'Konkurs krótkometrażowy (2018)

Refined at every level, dense and standing out because of its realism, this is a story about guilt, abandonment and love. Janusz, who is 40, finds out about the sudden death of his wife with whom he broke off contact a long time ago. He pays a young prostitute to attend the funeral with him pretending to be his girlfriend. What secrets is he trying to hide? Is he able to forgive himself? Before Oliver Adam Kusio was admitted to Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, he had studied history of art, visual arts and philosophy in Berlin, which is reflected in "Love". His earlier picture, "Ela- Sketches on a Departure", premiered during La Semaine de la Critique at the festival in Cannes in 2017.

directed by
Oliver Adam Kusio

Director and screenwriter. He was born in 1988 in Frankfurt am Mein. He studied History of Arts, Visual Studies and Philosophy at a university in Berlin. Since 2011, he has collaborated with director Rosa von Praunheim. At present, he is a student of the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf in Potsdam. He debuted in 2017 with "Ela – Sketches on a Departure".

Marco Müller
Oliver Adam Kusio
Marcus Sander
Michał Kuleba
Simon B. Stein, Joshua Domnick (Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF)
Kadr z filmu Love