
Poland2018documentary22'Konkurs polski (2018)

A son takes his father, with whom he had cut ties years before, on a journey. They travel to the place of solitude in the mountains in which they once built a forester's lodge. Surrounded by raw nature, together they face up to their own weakneses.

directed by
Natalia Koniarz

Natalia Koniarz was born in 1996. She is a second-year student of Film Directing at the Faculty of Radio and Television in Katowice. She has made visualisations for symphonic music, short feature forms and music videos. She travels extensively and pursues feature photography.

Stanisław Cuske, portret reżysera
Stanisław Cuske

Born in 1996. Currently, he is a student of Film Image Production at the Faculty of Radio and Television of the University of Silesia in Katowice. He has completed the Film Kindergarten course at the Wajda School. His artistic pursuits include music videos, feature and documentary films, such as "Subcultures" (2014) and "Under the Sails" (2016). Among his film awards, there is the Grand Prix at the OKFA National Independent Cinema Competition for his picture "The Race" (2016).

Stanisław Cuske, Natalia Koniarz
Natalia Koniarz
Karol Sekta, Piotr Sekta
Dariusz Wancerz, Bartłomiej Majewicz
Stanisław Cuske, Natalia Koniarz
Andrzej Kowalczyk (Krzysztof Kieślowski Faculty of Radio and Television at the University of Silesia.)
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