Burkina Brandenburg Komplex

Germany2018fiction19'Short matters! Krótkie filmy roku (2019)

A presumably African village, inhabited by Germans. An archaeological find is made in a mine: a Ferrari. The Museum of Prussian Cultural Heritage is run by a black woman. She presents artefacts from Western consumer culture with a special emphasis on German products. The film describes a geographical construction that makes use of ‘our’ medial and collective image of Africa and puts it to the test through inaccuracies. EFA Nomination – Berlin International Film Festival.

directed by
Ulu Braun, portret reżysera
Ulu Braun

Ulu Braun (1976, Germany) works and lives in Berlin. Between 1996 - 2005 he studied painting and film at universities in Vienna, Helsinki and Potsdam. He has been using the medium of video to explore the field between the visual arts and cinema since 1997. He is one of the key figures who have transferred painting into video art and have played a significant role in defining and further developing the genre of video collage. His works are regularly exhibited in art institutions and shown at international film festivals.

Ulu Braun
Ulu Braun
animated by
Ulu Braun, Jan Berendes-Pätz
Max Knoth, Valentin Lorenz
Ulu Braun
Ulu Braun (Studio Ulu Braun)
Kadr z filmu Burkina Brandenburg Komplex