The Hunt

Poland2018animated9'Konkurs polski (2019)

A young boy spends his holidays in a small town recording the sounds of nature around him: the twitter of birds, the chirping of crickets or the buzzing of flies. He also spends his time shooting animals he accidentally encounters with a bow. Gradually, hunting fascinates him more and more and his arrowheads become increasingly sharper. Despite the idyllic landscape of meadows and forests, the tension is consistently growing. In this disturbing animation, brutality is contrasted with religiousness, fun with the feeling of guilt, and the beauty and peace of nature with human aggression.

directed by
Mateusz Jarmulski, portret reżysera
Mateusz Jarmulski

Director and screenwriter of documentary films, animator He graduated in Animation from the Film School in Łódź. He worked for the Se-Ma-For studio developing special effects for the film “Peter and the Wolf” (Oscar 2008). His films have been broadcast on television and screened and awarded at festivals in, among others, Stuttgart, Seul or Hiroshima. He has directed “Hug Me”, a series for children acclaimed by television and festival audiences alike. His prior short film “The Hunt” was selected for screening by over 40 festivals across the world.

Mateusz Jarmulski
animated by
Mateusz Jarmulski, Jerzy Tabor
Karolina Rec
Mateusz Jarmulski
Piotr Szczepanowicz, Grzegorz Wacławek (Animoon)
Kadr z filmu The Hunt