Letters to A.

Poland, Switzerland2019documentary59'Konkurs polski (2019)

Artur is a young and naive man whose lack of adaptation to life led him to homelessness. At the same time, he is an inspired idealist searching for what is the most beautiful around him. Although people assess the protagonist in extreme ways, he still walks along his own path. The film director follows Artur trying to capture his exceptional perspective on the world. The boy seems to be lost at the backdrop of a large city and in the rush of Warsaw crowds. Eponymous letters, written by the director, are comments on his story.

directed by
Wiktoria Szymańska, portret reżysera
Wiktoria Szymańska

Magdalena Kowalczyk, Wiktoria Szymańska
Wiktoria Szymańska
Bigna Tomchin
Wiktoria Szymańska (Luna W), Małgorzata Kozioł
Kadr z filmu Letters to A.