A Short Story

Poland2019documentary14'Konkurs polski (2019)

The film protagonist operates on the border of two worlds. During the day, he works at a well-known shop selling home furnishings, while after hours he is hired by a “cleaning company” to clean homes after the deaths of their residents.The title “A Story of Short Duration” is a reference to the diagnosis of contemporary capitalism provided by Kacper Pobłocki in his book. In the film, it acquires an additional meaning by contrasting the image of a life’s end with the beginning of one’s path related to the moving into a new flat.

directed by
Michał Ciechomski, portret reżysera
Michał Ciechomski

Graduate of the Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences at the Warsaw University of Technology. In parallel, he studied Film Directing at the Faculty of Radio and Television of the University of Silesia in Katowice to become, after Howard Hughes, the second aviator and director. In his work, he uses a variety of media and forms, which allows him to explore new directions. He has made the following feature films: "Consecration", "At Auntie Leonia" and "Love", as well as documentaries: "Hunting" and "The Story of a Short Duration".

Paweł Grabarek
Michał Ciechomski
Kamil Czudej
Michał Ciechomski
Agnieszka Białek
Krystyna Doktorowicz (Krzysztof Kieślowski Faculty of Radio and Television at the University of Silesia.)
Kadr z filmu A Short Story