
Poland2019documentary40'Konkurs polski (2020)

A subtle story of difficult family relations. Marcin was taken away from his alcoholic parents when he was twelve and he spent the rest of his childhood in a children's home. After he comes of age, he comes back to his family home and tries to get on with his life: finds a job, pursues his passions, tries to re-establish contact with his father. At times it seems that the broken ties can be mended – the director captures intimate moments of true closeness between the father and the son. Yet these moments are constantly accompanied by alcohol-induced degradation. Marcin has to make a choice: should he fight with his father's addiction or think about his own future?

directed by
Paweł Chorzępa, portret reżysera
Paweł Chorzępa

Director and cinematographer of several documentary films awarded at international film festivals. A graduate of master's studies at the Institute of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University and Cinematography Deprtament at the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School in Katowice. A member of the Polish Filmmakers Association.

Paweł Chorzępa
Paweł Chorzępa
Daniel Stopa, Dominika Czakon, Kamil Guźniczak
Agata Cierniak, Alan Zejer
Ewa Jastrzębska, Jerzy Kapuściński (Munk Studio - Polish Filmmakers Association), (Bees Film House), (Telewizja Polska), (Mandla Media), (Instytucja Filmowa Silesia Film), (Szkoła Filmowa im. Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego Uniwersytetu Śląskiego)
Kadr z filmu Sonny