My Sleepless Night

Poland2019documentary8'Panorama polskiego dokumentu (2020)

This documentary by Ryszard Lenczewski is an experimental take on his work and family life. A cinematographer and a co-author of pictures to ‘Ida’ by Paweł Pawlikowski, among others, this time he shoots the space permeated with the spirit of the past – his workroom and collection of photographs. The film was made as one take where the camera is held by the cinematographer and character in one person. Lenczewski looks at the photographs documenting his life ranging from the most recent ones in which he is at hospital to the pictures from his childhood.

directed by
Ryszard Lenczewski, portret reżysera
Ryszard Lenczewski

Ryszard Lenczewski
Ryszard Lenczewski
Małgorzata Staroń (Staroń Film)
Kadr z filmu My Sleepless Night