Your Own Bullshit

Poland2020animated6'Konkurs polski (2020)

Do family meetings always need to look like that? The father tells the son to find a good job and get married, the mother wants him only to be happy. The same platitudes repeated for years are like a tangled cassette tape - sometimes they make him choke, sometimes his ears bleed. Combining different animation styles, film genres and references to culture, this production is not only a caricature of a family dinner, but a satire on the life in the shadow of social expectations. It is a drama in three acts: two dishes and a dessert – topped with a religious sauce, spiced with choral singing and served on grotesque tableware. The winner of the Silver Hobby-Horse for the best Polish animated film at the 60th Krakow Film Festival.

directed by
Daria Kopiec

Film and stage director. Graduate of the Department of Cinematography (Animation and Special Effects in Film) at the Film School in Łódź. For several months, she was a trainee at École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels – La Cambre in Brussels. In 2010 she became a member of the Polish Filmmakers Association. At present, she is a student of the Directing Department at the Theatre Academy in Warsaw. Her filmography includes "Your Own Bullshit" (2020), "First Time" (2016), "Cosmos" (2016), "Gucio Enchanted" (2015), "Rivers" (2014), "Camphor" (2013), "Zuzanna" (2010), "Eight" (2006), "Femme Fatale" (2005) and "Anunnaki" (2004).

Piotr Matysiak, Daria Kopiec
Daria Kopiec
animated by
Wojciech Sankiewicz, Piotr Ficner, Daria Kopiec, Sofya Nabok
Natalia Czekała
Agata Chodyra
Monika Sirojc
Ewa Jastrzębska, Jerzy Kapuściński (Munk Studio - Polish Filmmakers Association), Justyna Rucińska (Likaon Sp. z o.o)
Kadr z filmu Your Own Bullshit