Water Bears

Norway2017fiction10'Fokus na Norwegię (2021)

A group of elementary school students are analysing a recording of an act of violence witnessed by many people, none of whom decides to help the victim. The situation is known in psychology as ‘the spectator effect’ or ‘diffusion of responsibility’ and occurs when the likelihood of witnesses’ reaction to a crisis situation is reduced along with the increase in the number of witnesses to the situation. The students are trying to understand what it feels like to be a victim, perpetrator and a witness of the event, which exacerbates the relations between the most active participants of the discussion.

directed by
Yenni Lee

Norwegian-Vietnamese film director and screenwriter. She is a graduate of Film Directing in Göteborg. Her films have been screened at many international festivals. She defines her audiovisual style as ‘micro-poetic psychosis’ aiming to become totally detached from time and space. She is a member of Barbosa Film in Oslo, a feminist film production studio actively involved in promoting gender equality in the film industry.

Sara Svärdsén
Yenni Lee
Patrik Forsell
Yenni Lee (Yenni Film)
Kadr z filmu Water Bears