Brave Bunch in India

Poland2021documentary80'Kids&Youth. Kino dla Młodych (2021)

An exceptional story of a 10-year-old Wiesio, one of thousands of Polish children who were saved from the hell of World War II by an Indian Maharajah. In the Easter of 1940 the boy, together with his mother and brother, was arrested by NKVD and deported to Siberia. He shared the dramatic fate of thousands of Polish deportees. His rescue arrived from the least expected direction. This multimedia webdoc tells an authentic story of Wiesław Stypuła using comic strips, animation and archival materials.

directed by
Tomasz Stankiewicz

Tomasz Stankiewicz, Robert Gajzler
Tomasz Stankiewicz, Monika Kowaleczko Szumowska
animated by
Tomasz Stankiewicz
Krzysztof Janczak
Tomasz Stankiewicz
Monika Kowaleczko Szumowska (Fundacja Nil Desperandum), Zofia Pręgowska (Prego media - Zofia Pręgowska)
Kadr z filmu Brave Bunch in India