This Will Not Be a Festival Film

Poland2022animated8'Konkurs polski (2022)

In her final year of university, Julita has to create her graduation film. Her previous animations won many awards, so this time she decides to make a film not for the festival laurels, but for her family. Although the task seemed simple, something went wrong. This funny animation about the creation of animation, with a rhyming narration and lots of distance, is a self-advertisement presenting not only the animator’s successes, but also the characters of her previous films. At the same time, it is a touching story about cherishing family relations and the time spent together.

directed by
Julia Orlik, portret reżysera
Julia Orlik

Born in 1996 in Katowice. She graduated in Animated Film and Special Effects from the Łódź Film School. She is the author of Banquet (2016), My Strange Older Brother (2018), Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur (2019) and I Am Here (2020) . Apart from animation, she is also interested in bloody special effects, film characterisation and film workshops for children and young people.

Julia Orlik
Julia Orlik
animated by
Julia Orlik
Bartłomiej Orlik
Aleksandra Rosset
Agata Golańska (Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Filmowa, Telewizyjna i Teatralna im. L.Schillera w Łodzi)
Kadr z filmu This Will Not Be a Festival Film