Mama Africa

Germany, South Africa, Finland2011documentary90'Dźwięki muzyki (2022)

Mariam Makeba, the most beautiful voice of Africa, was a symbol of the dreams and hopes of the continent, which was gaining independence. This excellent artist who performed with the biggest and the best never forgot about racism and boldly acted against apartheid. Her second husband, Stokely Carmichael, was a Black Panther activist. Born in South Africa, she had to spend a large part of her life in the US. She went back to her homeland only after Nelson Mandela’s release from prison. Makeba died in 2008.

directed by
Mika Kaurismäki

Jacques Cheuiche, Wolfgang Held, Frank Peter Lehmann, Martina Radwan, Eran Tahor
Mika Kaurismäki, Don Edkins
Miriam Makeba
Karen Harley, Uwe Dresch, André Bendocchi-Alves
(Starhaus Filmproduktion), (Millennium Films), (ZDF/arte)
Kadr z filmu Mama Africa