Natalia LL - Art is like Love

Poland2022documentary79'Panorama polskiego dokumentu (2023)

In 2019 she became famous again when the decision to censor her works taken by the Director of the National Museum spurred a wave of protests. But the art of Natalia LL was controversial as early as in the 1960s. She was not afraid to show sexuality and carnality in a direct and unobscured way. She started out as a painter but it was photography that brought her fame and recognition. In collaboration with her beloved husband, who was an artist himself, she created art that was shocking at the time. One of the most important modern female artists in Poland is remembered by her loved ones and analysed by theoreticians and curators from across the world.

directed by
Andrzej Sapija, portret reżysera
Andrzej Sapija

Andrzej Sapija
Andrzej Sapija
Marcin Nierubiec
Andrzej Sapija
Andrzej Sapija (KAMEROVID Sp. z o.o.)
Kadr z filmu Natalia LL - Art is like Love