
Poland2023documentary88'Polish Documentary Panorama

Janusz Morgenstern, aka Kuba for friends, came from a Jewish family, whom he lost in the Holocaust. He made films that left a permanent mark on Polish cinematography, including ‘Good Bye, Till Tomorrow’, ‘To Kill This Love’ and ‘Yellow Scarf’. The viewers owe him such TV series as ‘More Than Life At Stake’, ‘Polish Roads’ or ‘Columbuses’. Morgenstern’s portrait is woven out of interviews, broadcasts, photos and his own films – a means of escape from the trauma experienced during the war. His loved ones as well as actors and colleagues talk about his artistic activity.

directed by
Q&A guest, portret reżysera
Marcin StraucholdQ&A guest

Born in 1989 in Wrocław. Graduated in Spanish philology from Wrocław University and in directing from the Film School in Łódź. Currently, a doctoral student at the School. 'Kuba' is his feature-length documentary debut.

Magdalena Bojdo
Marcin Strauchold
Aleksander Musiałowski
Grażyna Gradoń
Małgorzata Fogel-Gabryś (Akson Studio), Anna Pawluczuk
Kadr z filmu Kuba