
Poland2015animated14'Retrospektywa Witolda Giersza (2017)

Paintings painted by the first artists thousands of years ago revive in a rock cave. Both human and animal figures join in highly expressive motions. The motif of escape and pursuit of the victim is reinterpreted anew and puts in motion all the paintings that froze in silence centuries ago. Extremely dynamic and autothematic, Signum is a manifestation of the primeval and eternal human need to express oneself through pictures.

directed by
Witold Giersz

He was born in 1927. He is a visual artist, screenwriter and director of animated films who graduated from the Film Directing Faculty of the Film School in Łódź. Using various animation techniques he has made about sixty films, which include: Little Western, Red and Black and The Horse. In recognition of his work he has received over eighty awards at the festivals in Cannes, Cork, Edinburgh, Oberhausen and Krakow to name just a few.

Witold Giersz
Witold Giersz
animated by
Witold Giersz
Krzesimir Dębski
Piotr Majchrzak
Witold Giersz, Robert Rząca
Witold Giersz (Studio Animacji Witold Giersz), Helena Giersz, Krzysztof Giersz (Funline Animation)
Kadr z filmu Signum