KFF Industry – Doc Lab Poland & Ukraine. Call for projects from Ukraine


The Wladyslaw Slesicki Film Foundation announces a call for documentary film projects from Ukraine to participate in the DOC LAB POLAND & UKRAINE workshops and pitchings or in the CEDOC co-production market – as part of KFF Industry during the Krakow Film Festival. Participation is free of charge, the organizers cover travel and accommodation costs. The deadline for applications is March 31.

A unique edition of Doc Lab Poland will take place in 2023 under the name: DOC LAB POLAND & UKRAINE. This year the program organized since 2015 by the Wladyslaw Slesicki Film Foundation in cooperation with the Krakow Film Festival is especially inviting filmmakers (producers and directors) from Ukraine to attend. We are planning participation of ca. 5 Ukrainian teams in workshops and pitchings: START – for projects in advanced development or GO – for films in editing phase. Another 3 producers will participate in the CEDOC Market (Central European Documentary Co-production Market). The events are held as part of the KFF Industry, participants will receive festival accreditations. Thanks to the funding from the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the participation of Ukrainian filmmakers will be free of charge, their accommodation and travel expenses will also be covered.

WHEN: May 29 – June 3
WHERE: Krakow, Poland, as part of the KFF Industry during the Krakow Film Festival.
FOR WHOM: Ukrainian documentary film producers and directors

Filmmakers with Ukrainian citizenship are invited to apply for one of the three components:


Meetings, workshops and presentations are held in English. Participation of Ukrainian filmmakers is free of charge; they will also be reimbursed for their travel and accommodation expenses in Krakow. Participants receive industry accreditations for the Krakow Film Festival.

Applications must be filled out in English and emailed to: [email protected] in the subject line of the email writing: PROJECT TITLE and DLP-U APPLICATION.

Submissions should be sent by March 31, 11:59 PM to [email protected]

Any questions should be addressed by email to [email protected] (Ukraine) or [email protected] (Poland).

DOC LAB POLAND is organized since 2015 by the Wladyslaw Slesicki Film Foundation in cooperation with the Krakow Film Festival. It is the biggest program for documentary filmmakers in Poland. The eight completed editions to date have resulted in nearly 200 projects being developed or pitched, with more than 80 films already winning laurels around the world (ca. 300 awards and special mentions so far). Before pitching, participants take part in intensive, multi-day pitching workshops led by the world’s leading experts and players in the documentary market. In previous editions, workshops were led by, among others:

  • Adriek van Nieuwenhuijzen – head of the IDFA Forum,
  • Debra Zimerman – head of Women Make Movies,
  • Leena Pasanen – long-time director of the DOK Leipzig festival,
  • Elizabeth Radshaw – program director of Hot Docs,
  • Daniel Saltzwedel – expert of the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg fund,
  • Irena Taskovski (Taskovski Films) – sales agent,
  • Stefan Kloos (Rise and Shine) sales agent,
  • Esther van Messel (First Hand Films),  producer and sales agent,
  • Peter Jaeger – Autlook Films founder,
  • Lise Lense-Møller  EAVE producer and tutor,
  • Paul Pauwels – producer and long-time director of the European Documentary Network,
  • Tereza Šimíková – head of CHP:DOX Industry, consultant to Chicken and Egg Pictures,
  • Tracie Holder – award-winning filmmaker,
  • Martijn J. te Pas – IDFA expert, programmer and advisor to Mirage Festival,
  • Hanka Kastelicova  HBO Europe’s head of documentary production,
  • Rada Šešić – IDFA festival selector and Sarajevo FF,
  • Nadja Tennsted – current director of DOK Leipzig Industry,
  • Brigid O’Shea- former head of DOK Leipzig Industry, founder of the Documentary Association of Europeana filmowczyni,

In addition to working with tutors, each year the participants are interviewed by some 50 top experts: producers, festival selectors, sales agents, distributors.

CEDOC MARKET (Central European Documentary Coproduction Market), organized since 2015 by the Wladyslaw Slesicki Film Foundation in cooperation with the Krakow Film Festival, is the only in Poland co-production meeting for documentary producers who are looking for partners from Europe and the world. During the 8 editions about 250 producers have participated. Experts of previous editions of CEDOC Market include:

  • Debra Zimmermann Women Make Movies
  • Catherine Le Goff, Arte G.E.I.E
  • Errko Lytinen, YLE
  • Lisa Kleiner Chanoff, Katapult Fund
  • Wendy Ettinger, Chicken and Egg
  • Alex Tondovsky, Tondovsky Films
  • Jonathan Taylor, Netflix
  • Aleksandra Derewienko, Cat & Docs
  • Martina Droandi Autlook Films
  • Hanne Biermann, Deckert Distribution
  • Barbara Bouillon, Arte G.E.I.E
  • Adriek van Nieuwenhuijzen, Head of IDFA Forum
  • Madelaine Russo, HOT DOCS Forum
  • Nadja Tennstedt, Head of Dok Leipizg Industry
  • Tereza Simikova, Head of CPH DOX Forum
  • Jarmila Outratova, Emerging Producers
  • Andrea Prenghyova, Doc Incubator
  • Wim Vanacker, Cannes FF
  • Anna Trzebiatowska Sundance FF
  • Shane Smith, Hot Docs
  • Sergio Fant Berlinale
  • Amir George, True/FalseFF
  • Betsy LeBlanc, PBS International
  • Mehdi Bekkar Al Jazeera
  • Hanka Kastelicova HBO Europe
  • Nicole Tsien POV
  • Yoko Imai NHK

DOC LAB POLAND & UKRAINE is organized by the Fundację Filmową im. Władysława Ślesickiego in cooperation with the Krakowski Festiwal Filmowy. Main foreign partners are: DOK Leipzig, IDFA, Institute of Documentary Film Institute z Pragi. Polish Partners are: CANAL+, Mazowiecki Instytut Kultury, Mazovia Warsaw Film Commission, Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe, Krakow Film Commission, Smakjam, Orka, Fixafilm, MX35, Cafe Ole, Warszawski Festiwal Filmowy, American Film Festival. The program is supported by the Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.

Kategoria: News.


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