Diamond Beauty

Hungary2023fiction30'International Short Competition

Maria is addicted to plastic surgeries. Successive augmentations do not satisfy her and she want new ones. Her nose, lips or facial fillers are never perfect. Now, she is looking forward to the opportunity of a date with her former love. But where to find money if she is drowning in debt? Where to find a surgeon if she is well known at all clinics and has been denied access to some of them? ‘Diamond Beauty’ is a story where grotesque is enlaced with black comedy and romance. The protagonist knows no limits. Maria will go to any lengths to achieve her aim - get yet another fix of her drug. Putting her health and finance at risk, she continues to drown into her addiction. She does it in the name of love, and who wouldn’t want a little affection and kindness? Who wouldn’t like to be attractive for the object of their desire?

directed by
Q&A guest, portret reżysera
Anna KoromQ&A guest

Born in Budapest in 1994. She started her film directing studies at the University of Theatre and Film Arts, where she completed her Bachelor's degree. After the university was stripped of its independence she continued her studies with her classmates at the Freeszfe Society, which was founded by students, teachers and formal university employees after the university occupation. Thanks to an international collaboration, she received her Master's degree at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in 2023.

Lola Bedécs
Anna Korom, András Soós Q&A guest
Dávid Kovács
Anna Szijártó (Kinomoto)
Kadr z filmu Diamond Beauty