The Dragon of Dragons award is granted since 1998 by Krakow Film Foundation Programme Council to the makers of documentary and animated films, whose work had a significant influence on the development of the world cinema in these genres. Among the previous winners of the Dragon of Dragons award there are such renowned film makers as: Kazimierz Karabasz, Allan King, Albert Maysles, Werner Herzog, Stephen and Timothy Quay, Raoul Servais, Jerzy Kucia, Marcel Łoziński.
Werner Herzog
b. 1942
German director of feature and documentary films. Nominated for the Academy Award for 'Encounters at the End of the World' (2007), the winner of Palme d'Or for his film 'Fitzcarraldo'.
The most important films: 'Land of Silence and Darkness' (1971), 'Aguirre, the Wrath of God' (1972), 'The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser' (1974), 'Stroszek' (1977), 'Fitzcarraldo' (1982), 'My Best Fiend' (1999), 'Lessons of Darkness' (1991) 'Grizzly Man' (2005 ), 'Cave of Forgotten Dreams' (2010).

ph. Tomasz Korczyński

ph. Agnieszka Fiejka